Impotence at age 60 is quite common, but if you follow simple recommendations, you can lead an active and social lifestyle with regular sex.
power definition
The concept of male potency means the presence of characteristic signs of the beginning of an erection:
- The degree of tension in the penis;
- The rate of formation of an erection;
- Quality and duration of sexual intercourse.
There are no clear deviations from the norm, and the presence of problems can be verified by a lack of sexual desire and a slow erection. Potency failures in the elderly are considered normal and are successfully eliminated with appropriate therapy.
How to determine if the power is normal at 60?
The well-being of men at age 60 undergoes significant changes due to low hormone levels, the presence of chronic diseases, reduced immunity and other problems that appear in old age.
An erection in old age can occur with prolonged stimulation of the penis, as at an early age it is enough to think about the opposite sex or see explicit pictures.
The penis is no longer large in size as the blood supply is disturbed and the volume of the tissues decreases. The problem is considered the emergence of the following factors:
- Decreased or complete lack of sexual desire for women;
- Lack of erection with prolonged stimulation;
- The impossibility of sexual contact due to a slow erection;
- Lack of penile sensitivity and onset of orgasm;
- The presence of premature ejaculation.
Immediate medical attention is recommended if there is frequent and painful urination, pain in the urethra, pain during intercourse.

Causes of impotence in old age
The appearance of impotence in men in old age is due to several factors that cause certain changes in the body.
Internal influence factors
Internal factors include:
- The formation of androgynous insufficiency (the lack of male hormones occurs at the age of 30 and is not very noticeable in the early stages). Over time, the lack of testosterone leads to symptoms such as decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction, problems with ejaculation;
- Violation of the work of blood vessels gradually leads to a change in blood circulation. As a result, blood flow to the penis significantly decreases and contributes to the formation of a slow erection;
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system also cause changes in the functioning of the body, which negatively affects the functioning of the penis and can cause impotence;
- Various pathologies of the reproductive system (urethritis, prostatitis);
- Abuse of bad habits (alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana).
External influence factors
The main factor of external influence is the professional activity of a man. Physical inactivity (a sedentary lifestyle) leads to stagnation of blood in Organs pelvic organs, which causes the development of early potency in men in old age.
The appearance of excess weight causes negative changes in the body, leading to a slow erection and the appearance of various chronic diseases. The emergence of a psychological factor (work stress, family quarrels, severe mental and physical stress).
A man becomes irritable, and rare sexual intercourse contributes to the development of impotence. Restoring normal potency at age 60 depends on lifestyle.
Doctors recommend leading an active lifestyle, trying to play sports. The necessary treatment should be prescribed by a qualified specialist during a thorough examination, as at this age other chronic diseases additionally develop.

Diagnosis and treatment of impotence after age 60
With the right approach, erectile dysfunction after age 60 can be eliminated. To do this, you must follow the instructions prescribed by the attending physician.
Appointment of the correct treatment depends on conducting the study using the following diagnostic methods:
- To determine the presence and extent of changes in the blood of an elderly patient. With any disease, the increase in leukocytosis is visibly pronounced, indicating the course of the inflammatory process;
- Performing ultrasound to detect pathologies of the genitourinary system and the degree of inflammation in the genital organ;
- The delivery of a spermogram allows you to determine the number of germ cells in the seminal fluid and help identify the problem;
- Withdraw a swab from the genitourinary canal to determine the presence of bacteria or other pathogens.
For an accurate diagnosis, additional studies may be necessary in the development of chronic diseases in the body.
Restoration of normal power is carried out according to the following scheme:
- Appointment of drug therapy to increase potency in men after 60 years of age with the intake of certain drugs. Surgery is also used with mandatory consideration of the presence of chronic diseases (hypothyroidism, rupture of the liver, prostate, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus);
- Compliance with a therapeutic diet to normalize blood circulation. In old age, it is important to control the level of cholesterol in the blood and enrich the body with the necessary trace elements, nutrients, while maintaining adequate nutrition;
- Carrying out physical exercises. Kegel exercises are available for home exercises;
- The presence of regular sexual intercourse. At the same time, they should not be 3-4 times a week, but take small breaks between them;
- The use of traditional medicine with mandatory agreement with the attending physician. It is effective to use various decoctions, tinctures prepared at home or bought in pharmacies.
medical therapy
Drug treatment to restore potency in old age should be performed by the attending physician. The therapy is based on the use of drugs that improve blood flow to the penis.
Effective medicines of chemical and herbal origin:
- Stimulators of metabolic processes in the body;
- Phosphodiestase Inhibitors. Medications in this category should be taken immediately before sexual intercourse;
- Medicines to stabilize metabolism in case of endocrine system disturbance;
- Preparations of hormonal origin containing testosterone (various patches, tablets, injections, ointments for external use).
With the development of impotence on the psychological level, the appointment of antidepressants in a strictly prescribed dosage is necessary. To strengthen the immune system, it is good to take special complexes containing vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, D.
Penile prosthesis implantation
Surgery with the introduction of implants into the penis is performed in severe cases, when potency cannot be restored using conservative techniques. The implants introduced are divided into elastic, semi-rigid and hydraulic.
The elastic silicone is implanted in the penis and is always standing. For convenience, the organ is pressed with underwear on the inner thigh. The most effective and comfortable implant is considered to be of the hydraulic type, which acts when pressure is created by installing a special pump in the groin and a pump in the scrotum.
Folk remedies
Folk remedies in the treatment of impotence after the age of 60 years give a good effect. Its effectiveness largely depends on correct preparation and adherence to prescribed dosages.
The most effective way:
- Ginseng tincture to improve hormone levels and restore normal metabolic processes;
- Perga (pollen, not processed by bees, collected from flowers) well stimulates the work of the genital organ in men;
- Cannabis seeds help increase testosterone production and spermatogenesis in older men;
- Dubrovnik decoction has a quick effect and after taking it within an hour, a strong erection occurs;
- Kabaroge jet tincture is a powerful stimulant of sexual function in a man.
Compliance with a therapeutic diet
Elimination of impotence is possible with a balanced diet and eating the maximum amount of carbohydrates, animal protein:
- Green vegetables of the cruciferous family;
- The combination of walnuts, Brazil nuts, pistachios with honey, dried fruits, as such a recipe helps to increase potency;
- Cereals, legumes are good to use with developing diabetes;
- Fresh fruits, berries (at least 200 grams);
- Marine fish of fatty varieties with omega-3 content (sturgeon, salmon);
- Dairy products (kefir, cottage cheese, boiled fermented milk, cheeses).
It is recommended to exclude fatty meat, eggs, sour cream, spicy and high-calorie dishes from the daily diet.

exercise stress
To maintain normal sexual function, older men are recommended to lead an active lifestyle and perform special physical exercises aimed at improving the functioning of the reproductive system.
Kegel exercises are also suitable for men as they contribute to increased muscle elasticity and the onset of normal power. You can eliminate impotence with regular tension and relaxation of the muscles during urination. Every day you need to perform three sets of 40 times.
An increase in potency in men after the age of 60 is possible with constant yoga classes. The exercise complex has a special section called Kundalini and it provides good blood flow to the sexual organ, increases sexual desire and stabilizes constant potency.
Recommendations from qualified doctors
To avoid developing impotence after age 60, doctors recommend following simple recommendations:
- The exacerbation of diseases in the body contributes to a decrease in potency and libido. Timely prevention of pathologies strengthens the immune system and prevents the development of negative consequences. Adherence to the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases is important.
- A balanced diet with a predominance of foods of natural origin in the diet without large amounts of fat, carbohydrates, artificial substitutes and flavor congestion.
The following foods should be present in food: berries, fruits, lean meats, fish, fresh herbs, nuts, honey, beeswax, cheese, kefir, vegetables, cereals.
- Exclusion of bad habits. Alcohol, cigarettes have an adverse effect on the body at any age and can cause impotence. Harmful substances enter the general bloodstream and cause negative changes in male sperm.
- Stable sex life. Regular sex, constant communication with a partner provides an increase in potency. Long pauses without sexual contact have a bad effect.
Subject to the above recommendations, older men can have good potency and not feel powerless, which negatively affects the physical and emotional state of the body.
Reviews about the occurrence of impotence after 60 years have different answers, as much depends on the general condition of a man's body and lifestyle. In most cases, there are issues that are easily fixed with the right approach.
- First review: "After the age of 50, I started to experience potency problems and tried taking pills. At the same time, the effect is short-lived. After consulting a doctor, I completely changed my lifestyle and now everything is in order . Everything should be in moderation. "
- Second assessment: "I'm already 62 years old, but I feel like I'm 40. The secret lies in the fact that every morning a run, natural products and the complete exclusion of alcohol, cigarettes. In fact, everything is simple and if such rules are in a row, man's health will be preserved and in old age. "