How to increase potency in men naturally? One of the most affordable and simple methods is to review the diet. Inadequate nutrition significantly reduces potency, and a reasonable diet can significantly improve potency. There are foods that increase potency in men, which should be consumed daily. The right diet does not replace a complete treatment, but complements it!
"Special" products can also be used to prevent erection problems. The sooner you start adhering to proper nutrition, the later the potency will start to decrease.
How do products that affect potency work?
Useful products for potency (aphrodisiacs) act as follows:
- increase sensitivity;
- have a rejuvenating effect on the body;
- support male sexual function;
- increase sexual desire.
What foods increase potency in men?
For male sexual health, it is important that certain beneficial substances enter the body every day. With the lack of at least some of them, the potency decreases. To understand which products increase male potency, you need to know what they should contain.Required substances include:
- Phosphor. By reacting with fatty acids and nitrogen, the substance promotes the production of hormones, including sex hormones. Phosphorus is found in brewer's yeast, walnuts, lamb, wheat bran, beef, Brussels sprouts, celery, avocados and onions.
- Zinc. Helps to increase testosterone levels. It is found in oysters, veal liver, pine nuts, chicken hearts, beef, wheat bran.
- Selenium. Required for the production of testosterone. Contained in beans, nuts, cabbage, liver, eggs.
- apigenin. Necessary for male potency as it decreases the production of female sex hormones (contained in parsley).
A man should receive daily vitamins:
- A (liver, carrots, fatty fish, broccoli, parsley);
- D (egg yolk, fish liver, seafood, butter, dairy products);
- E (vegetable oils, nuts, soybeans, corn, whole wheat bread);
- group B (meat, milk, poultry, offal, nuts, whole grain products, yeast, eggs, green vegetables).
To increase potency, it is important to consume ginger and celery. They contain the hormone androsterone, which an erection depends on.
Products that increase potency: the content of fats and proteins
Male sex hormones are lipid-based. Therefore, it is important to consume foods that contain fat to increase potency in men. The daily diet must include 30% fat - and this rate must not be exceeded or reduced.
Also, male potency products should be high in protein. Protein is needed to produce testosterone. Found in meat, dairy, fish, vegetables.
Power products: list
Products that improve potency are divided into:
- plant origin;
- animal origin.
It is important to use both.
Plant-based products that increase potency
- nuts (especially peanuts);
- fruits and berries with a vitamin C content (figs, black currants, citrus fruits, pomegranate);
- vegetables: carrots, cabbage, radishes, beets, squash, legumes;
- greens: spinach, parsley, celery, cilantro;
- spices: anise, black pepper, cumin, mint;
- vegetable oils: sunflower, pumpkin.
Products to improve potency of animal origin
- meat (beef, lamb, pork);
- poultry (especially turkey);
- fish (salmon, halibut);
- liver;
- seafood (shrimp, mussels, oysters, octopus);
- eggs;
- hard cheese;
- dairy products;
- Honey.
Proper nutrition can significantly improve the quality of your sex life. However, erection problems necessarily require a consultation with a urologist-andrologist. Nutrition is an auxiliary way to increase potency.